Sunday, 17 December 2017

Fidel Tukel: Being a Successful Music Promoter

You don't have to be able to play an instrument or have the voice of an angel to make money in the music business. Becoming a music or concert promoter, like Fidel Tukel, can be a reasonably lucrative career. 


To begin making money as aconcert promoter, you have to have excellent organization skills and be able to plan and successfully execute events. If you think you might be a good music producer, here are four things to consider.


1.       You have to be able to secure the funds needed to put on the show. This includes paying the venue fees, renting the sound system, and paying for security among others.

2.       You need to build a solid reputation and establish a name for yourself and shape your business image.

3.       You need to understand contracts and legally binding agreements.

4.       Learn how to promote your event in a way that is unique creatively. This will give you an edge over the competition.

Being a music producer like Fidel Tukel can be a fun and rewarding career. Take the time to learn about the business so you too can be successful.

Tuesday, 5 December 2017

Fidel Tukel - Challenges of Running a Personal Training Business

As Fidel Tukel knows, being a personal trainer is a gratifying career. The ability to help people reach their health and fitness goals is rewarding, but it is not without its challenges. Starting a personal training studio can be difficult, especially if you are transitioning from being a corporate employee into owning your own business. 


The first challenge that you will have to face is getting into the mindset of being a small business owner. This means learning how to market your business, handle finances, networking, and everything else that goes with owning a small business. There are numerous online resources that can help you make this transition.


Another challenge that you will face when you first start your personal training business is figuring out how to build your client base. The best way to tackle this challenge is to start out with a business plan. 


Not only does it define your mission, and provide you with your marketing plan, but it gives you a way to refocus your business as it grows. Fidel Tukel has been training clients in his gym, the Ultimate Training Centre, since opening its doors in 2007.